J-ARK project

In 2020, the Connecting Europe Facility (CEF) released a call for eArchiving-related proposals under the Telecom Work Programme. The objective of this call (CEF-TC-2020-2: eArchiving) was to foster the adoption of eArchiving solutions and standards beyond National Archives, reaching out to other levels of public administration, public institutions, international bodies, software companies, small and medium enterprises, etc., and different domains, such as cultural heritage, etc. Four projects received funding under the call.

One of the projects was J-ARK  (European Jewish Community Archive) which connected eArchiving, Europeana, and eTranslation CEF digital services to support the sustainability of Jewish heritage archives in an integrated long-term preservation platform named J-Ark. This online solution offers cloud services to ingest, preserve and distribute a wide range of heritage materials, including oral history interviews and recordings, historical photographs, documents, and more. J-Ark is based on the open-source digital preservation platform RODA.  

More information about the project can be found on the J-ARK project website.