eArchiving Initiative Summit – October 2023 in Salamanca, Spain

25 October 2023

University of Salamanca

The Summit will be organised by the eArchiving Initiative with the support of DG CNECT and will be preceded by the Triennial DLM Forum Conference (Monday 23 and Tuesday 24 October 2023), organised by the Spanish State Archives.

Lake with boats and University of Salamanca in the background

The eArchiving Initiative and DLM Forum join forces to organise a face-to-face public event, about electronic archiving in the digital society. The Triennial DLM Forum Conference will pave the way for the full day dedicated to the eArchiving Initiative.

The eArchiving Initiative Summit on Wednesday 25 October, will cover the following topics:

  • eArchiving experiences.
  • eArchiving and the eIDAS regulation Electronic Archiving Trusted Services.
  • eArchiving and Interoperability.
  • eArchiving Future Directions, including presentations and discussions about the eArchiving Conformity Seal, the Academic Curriculum, new approaches to archiving by design in the eArchiving reference architecture, or distributed digital preservation.

This free event is open for the general public to attend, virtual attendance will also be available.

The Triennial DLM Forum Conference theme is: Keeping and Connecting Data in the Digital Society. This two-day conference will bring together stakeholders, data producers, archives, data repositories, solution providers and their users.  The call for contributions is now open for the following topics:

  • Harvesting Social Media Content: This topic would include both technological developments for harvesting this content, and the “why” aspect of harvesting social media.
  • AI, Archival Salvation or doom?: AI is everywhere and GPT can act in a very human way. Midjourney generates photorealistic visualisation that is difficult to distinguish from professional photography shoots. This topic would include the utilisation of AI and its benefits to archives.
  • Archival technologies: Preservation technologies, storage, etc.
  • Digital Humanities: The softer side of archives.
  • Archival Content in use (research, DH, business cases, etc): Actual case presentation, showing where archived data has been successfully utilised.
  • Digitisation processes: How archives are being digitised, including a relation to time machine and mass digitisation.

We would like the meeting to be as interactive, diverse and inclusive as possible, so different types of contributions are welcome.  

Visit the DLM Forum’s website to learn more about the conference.


eArchiving Initiative: Árpád Welker (EU DG CNECT). eArchiving Initiative. Present and Future

eArchiving Initiative: E-ARK Consortium Activity Leads. Services provided by the eArchiving Initiative

eArchiving Experiences: Jelena Rubić (Ministry of Culture and Media, Republic of Croatia). eKultura – Central Infrastructure for Digitalization of Cultural Heritage

eArchiving Experiences: Ángeles Gallego Garcia (AIRBUS). Engineering technical documents & drawings archiving with E-ARK specificationsPresentation | Video

eArchiving Experiences: Claudia Mordt (Odilo). Implementing E-ARK AIP in Odilo software and developing functionalities aroundPresentation | Video

eArchiving Experiences: Stefan Majewski & Bernhard Hampel-Waffenthal (Austrian Library Network and Service Ltd). Implementing E-ARK specifications in Libnova SoftwarePresentation | Video

eArchiving and Interoperability: Christian Dubourg (Convenor of WG1 of CEN 468 – preservation of digital information). eArchiving Reference Architecture in the mapping of existing standards and regulationsPresentation | Video

eArchiving and Interoperability: Tomislav Karlović & Višnja Šimunović Basić (Ericsson Nikola Tesla) & Jelena Rubić (Ministry of Culture and Media, Republic of Croatia). eKultura – Integration of Europeana data model and E-ARK specificationsPresentation | Video

eArchiving and Interoperability: Violette Levy (Interministerial Service of Archives of France (SIAF)). VITAM programme and eArchiving working togetherPresentation | Video

eArchiving Initiative and the eIDAS Electronics Archiving Trust Service: Jennifer Goessens (Belgium General Directorate of Economic Regulation, Electronic Economy Law Service). Introduction to Electronic Archiving Trusted ServicesPresentation | Video

eArchiving Initiative and the eIDAS Electronics Archiving Trust Service: Ignacio Alamillo (Advocat, CISA, CISM, CDPSE, Advisor at Logalty, ETSI, CEN/CLC and ISO expert). ETSI standards and Electronic ArchivingPresentation | Video

eArchiving Initiative and the eIDAS Electronics Archiving Trust Service: Jože Škofljanec (Archives of the Republic of Slovenia). How eArchiving can help? Conclusion from workshop with solution providers

eArchiving Future Directions: José Borbinha & Diogo Proença (INESC-ID / IST, University of Lisbon, Portugal) & István Alföldi (Poliphon Kft, Hungary). Harmonising model-based approaches of eArchivingPresentation | Video

eArchiving Future Directions: E-ARK consortium (Sven Schlarb, Austrian Institute of Technology;Janet Anderson, Highbury Research & Development Ltd.; Carlota Bustelo, Gabinete Umbus S.L.). The eArchiving Conformance SealPresentation | Video

eArchiving Future Directions: István Alföldi (Poliphon Kft) & Antal Posthumus (National Archives of the Netherlands). Challenges for aligning the eArchiving Reference Architecture and the archiving by design approachesPresentation | Video

eArchiving Future Directions: Karin Bredenberg (Sydarkivera). E-ARK specifications – Update and future of CITSPresentation | Video

Bringing together training, providers and potential recruiters – eArchiving Academic Curriculum: Jaime Kaminski (Highbury Research & Development Ltd.). eArchiving Curriculum draft