How the eArchiving Initiative can help in the implementation of eIDAS electronic archiving trust services – September 2023

The eArchiving Initiative organised a virtual event aimed at Solution/Service Providers who wish to learn more about the effects and means of implementing the eIDAS electronic archiving trust services and contributing to defining future services and policy for the eArchiving Initiative.

Árpád Welker (EU DG CNECT): EU policy
Fanny Lannoy (Public Policy and Standarisation Manager, Docaposte): CEN 468 Preservation of digital Information and eArchiving Initiative
Ignacio Alamillo-Domingo (Advocat, CISA, CISM, CDPSE. Advisor at Logalty, ETSI, CEN/CLC and ISO expert): A view on related ETSI standards 
Florian Delabie (President of the AAFB (Association des Archivistes Francophones de Belgique): The Belgium digital Act, electronic archiving certification Schema 
Samo Zorc (Ministry of Digital Transformation of the Republic of Slovenia) and Jože Škofljanec (Archives of the Republic of Slovenia): On the way from national trusted eArchiving services to European ones – the Slovenian case 
Christian Dubourg (Expert consultant in content management and management system): Experience of AFNOR normalisation NF Z42-013 and AFNOR certification NF461 
Carlota Bustelo (Capacity Building Activity Lead EU eArchiving Initiative): Presentation of the results of previous consultation