The eArchiving Initiative 2023-2024

The eArchiving Initiative organised a virtual presentation event, covering experiences, work in progress and future plans.

The event brought together E-ARK consortium members providing the services of the eArchiving initiative on behalf of the EU. Experts of different organizations presented their experiences using different eArchiving components in their own projects.


Welcome speech and logistic information by David Anderson
Árpád Welker (EU DGCNECT): EU policy and the eArchiving initiative
Experience: Anssi Jääskeläinen (XAMK): One click eArchiving
Experience: Roberto González (PIQL): Using eArchiving in the
Engineering and Sciences Library
Experience: Pavel Kats (Jewish Heritage Network): Using eArchiving in
the J-Ark – European Jewish Community Archive
Experience: Victor-Jan Vos (NIOD Institute for War, Holocaust and
Genocide Studies): Protecting Oral Stories Using Blockchain
Experience: Silvia Trani (Central State Archive Italy): Using eArchiving as
a model
Day 1

Experience: Corinne Frappart / Alexandre Angers (EU Publications
Office): The reuse of eArchiving software components
Experience: Frederik Rosseel (DOCBYTE). Implementation of eArchiving
specifications in commercial software
Experience: Diogo Proença (University of Lisbon). Collecting experience
from using eArchiving Maturity Model
Experience: Markus Merenmies (Archives of Finland). Using eArchiving
for preserving databases
Work in progress: Sven Schlarb (AIT). eArchiving Conformity seal
Work in progress: Jaime Kaminski (Highbury). eArchiving Curriculum
Work in progress: Jože Škofljanec (Archives of the Republic of
Slovenia): Collaboration with Digital Europe Programme and CEN 468
Work in progress: István Alföldi (Polyphon). Interoperability efforts
(Reference architecture, Archiving by design, convertors and
Work in progress: Stephen Mackey (Penwern): Creation of new
eArchiving specifications. Engineering1 3D CITS
Day 2