Creating E-ARK conformant Archivematica preservation workflows

July 2023 - Webinar

The fourth training webinar examines how E-ARK conformant workflows (AIP, SIP, DIP) can be created and used with the open-source digital preservation platform Archivematica.

The fourth eArchiving Initiative training webinar examines how E-ARK conformant Archivematica preservation workflows can be created. The webinar explains what Archivematica is, who can benefit from implementing it, and what are its strengths and weaknesses. It looks at the open-source toolkit developed by the projects and how they work with the unaltered open-source Archivematica distribution and another related software product ‘Enduro’ to produce an E-ARK workflow. A demonstration shows the workflow in action from a technical perspective and discuss how it can be integrated into systems with SIP creation tools and storage systems or repositories.

The webinar is based on two recently completed Generic Services projects funded under the Connecting Europe Facility: OneClick and the Engineering Science Library. Both projects used E-ARK conformant workflows (SIP, AIP and DIP), which included the popular open-source digital preservation platform Archivematica.

Finally, the webinar considers recent developments, including a new lightweight Archivematica preservation engine from Artefactual Systems called A3M. This fully compatible digital preservation workflow engine is lightweight, scalable and ideal for applications like the E-ARK toolkit. We show how A3M could be integrated into the workflow in place of Archivematica and demonstrate a platform that already has A3M integrated within an E-ARK conformant workflow.

To download the slides of this webinar click here.

Video recording

To download the Q&A of this webinar click here.

Demo recording